Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I was saddened by the news of the death of Queen Elisabeth II. My condolences to the British people.

I had an encouraging meeting this morning, that I don’t dare saying anything about until it’s on paper. We have an election on Sunday and everything can change, depending on which ’side’ wins.
What I can tell you is that my end date in The Garden hasn’t changed. This has to do with what happens next.
We went on a walk to look for berries and rose hips, and came back with apples…
This is one of the berries we were looking at, but these ones needs frost nights to be best.
When I came home, after lunch and rest, I went out to pick lingonberries. I found some that I’ll dry and use in tea. I also found more blueberries and will pick more tomorrow or during the weekend.

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