Taxi for little people.

Having had a good nights sleep, we set off to explore the city. Roy had the map!! I think old age has made him loose his sense of direction, he used to be vey good, we ended up walking much further than we needed to to find the Naval museum, when we did find it, it was quite funny, we paid our 10 kuna (about 1.50 euros) entry money, then the lady on reception went in and switched on all the lights, obviously they are vey energy conscious, why waste money lighting the place when no one is in there. We spent a good hour in there looking at all the different aspects of life in the navy in Croatia, at one point one of the reception staff came to check that we were okay, as I get the feeling that most people have a quick look round then they go. We tried to decipher the text describing the exhibits as it was only in Croatian, we gave up in the end.

I was going to blip another photo of some of the exhibits, but this little fiat taxi was just asking to be photoed.

We cannot get over how expensive it is to eat out, an average meal with a bottle of wine is costing us the equivalent of 80 euros, not used to that.

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