Danny's back!

A strange day today, as for many... Asha was inconsolable at the news of the Queen passing away. She's often said that the Queen is the most beautiful woman she knows...maybe Asha could see something of her servant heart and kindness, as well as her twinkly eyes. We left Asha to mom's care as we nipped up the hill to spend time with Donald who leads our Birmingham church. An absolutely brilliant time with him - he's always thought provoking and challenging, and has a new perspective and wisdom on things. 
Dinner tonight, I think the sadness of the day got the better of us and thanks to some wine we ended up in hysterics over nothing much. Sometimes you just need a release don't you?! It's been an odd day...a death in our family, the Queen passing away and Mom was at a friend's funeral earlier too...plus a very emotional visit from a friend of Mom's this afternoon. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny being back from his studies in Nottingham.
2) The Queen. What an inspiring woman. The end of an era...
3) Donald's input on various issues we're facing in Ibiza. 

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