Funday at Creel Cottage

I should have brought sunglasses. Yes it has/ is one of these Orkney days which come fleetingly but is remembered forever.

I woke to sunshine streaming through the bedroom window and the sea like glass. Who could possibly stayed in bed knowing that access to that water was just 10 minutes walk away. I went solo swimming because it was calm and safe. It was so lovely to be in the water on a morning like this.

By 9:45 I was at the pier head for the Cheeky Monkey taxi service to whisk me to Creel Cottage where I was required to be the ‘AuPair’ for the owner while the lady of the house was off playing her accordion,( you couldn’t make it up!) and to welcome Tweedy and Cameraman on their way home from Westray. We 4 did a roundabout walk with Flora the dog and I awarded Tweedy many brownie points for managing to shift a dead rat like animal off the path with a root of heather thereby preventing Flora from bringing it back with her.

On our return Marion had laid out a feast of soup and salad with salmon plus an extraordinary raspberry cake.
We sat in the sun but eventually we had to say our farewells and while Tweedy and Camerman departed for their ferry , the CMTaxi service dropped me back at Stromness pier head.

The day has still got excitement to come as EllyJay’s husband is bring me a Thai meal they ordered on my behalf from a local family. I have some cider left to accompany it.

It has been quite a day!

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