Ready to Rock

I am - to coin a phrase - going to need a bigger boot!
Stuart is working this afternoon so I have all his gear to fit in my car as well as my own. The idea being that I can just pick him up outside his work later this evening and head straight to the venue. I guess I’ll have to get creative with what I normally just chuck on the back seat, to make sure nothing is left behind
The one good thing we have done today is to set up the new in ear monitors. Stuart has gone for the same digital ones that I chose and Julian had stripped our old stuff out of the rig and reallocated the auxiliary sends. One thing that came to light when he did this was that the adapter all the power supplies were plugged into was faulty. It may have been this that was causing all the interference and cutting out at the last gig. No matter, we’ve got the new devices now and, as they are rechargeable, we won’t need mains power!
And the sound quality is excellent - at least during the brief test we had whilst setting levels etc. The proof of the pudding will be how it all performs at the gig tonight, when everything else is up and running. In theory, none of the wireless devices should be interfering with each other, but we won’t know for definite until we soundcheck.
Just in case it does all go t***s up, I’ve also packed a speaker and some cables, so there will still be a way of making - and hearing - all the right noises. Though I’m not guaranteeing they will always be in the right order!

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