Washing Dishes

This is an ex-dishwasher. It has ceased to be. It is bereft of life.
While we were out having a coffee last Sunday, we had left the dishwasher on. Upon returning home, I noticed that all the sockets in the kitchen were off. I tried resetting the trip switch but it tripped again straight away. A process of elimination identified the dishwasher as the culprit. We had to manually empty out all the soapy water and then wash the dishes by hand.
A bit of online research revealed that it could be a cheap electrical part that had failed and that a like for like replacement dishwasher would be around £700. Whatever, it would have to come out. Not as simple as you might think as it was built in to the kitchen and, as I found when trying to remove it, was probably fitted before the worktops went on. After much blood, sweat and tears (mainly sweat, but a bit of blood and a few tears when it dropped on my hand at one point!) it was out and I could look for any obvious burnt out parts.
Sadly, nothing obvious could be seen so it’s looking like a new replacement will be required. Further online research reveals that something very similar can be purchased for a much more reasonable £250 or thereabouts, so it will be a trip to Curry’s in the next day or so. Whether it will arrive before we go on holiday is debatable, so we’ll be washing dishes by hand for the next couple of weeks. Amazing how many times you can reuse the same plate when you have to wash it by hand.
And with thunderstorms forecast (and arriving!) for later today, the defunct appliance was deposited at the council tip this morning. It is to be hoped that the new one, when it arrives, goes in easier than this one came out. But I’m not holding my breath…

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