Listen To What The Man Said

The Leader of the Council, watched by the Mayor (who also said a few words), sundry dignitaries (including our MP Tim Farron) and an assembled crowd, as he reads the Royal Proclamation confirming that Charles is our new King.
A surprisingly moving little ceremony, especially when the band struck up the national anthem and we all sang God Save the King - probably for the first time for most of us, judging by the stumbling over those unfamiliar words.
I also became inexplicably annoyed when I answered a passer-by’s query about what was happening and he responded by snorting and muttering words to the effect that it was all a waste of time. Obviously, he is entitled to his views but I felt he could at least have respected the feelings of the crowd who had gathered, and just moved on without comment.
As we headed home, we chatted briefly to a police officer who was manning one of the road closures. He made a couple of points that just hadn’t occurred to me up to now. His uniform - and presumably the uniforms of all who serve the crown in one capacity or another - will have to be changed so that the badges say C III R instead of E II R. And in the courts, we will have to get used to referring to KCs instead of QCs. Small points, but these are changes which will happen much more quickly than postboxes or bank notes and coins.
No doubt there are a myriad of other changes to come, which we won’t have thought about because for all or most of our lives we’ve been used to “E II R” and “Her Majesty the Queen”. Though I’m sure the reminders of her seventy year reign will be with us for many years to come.

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