Bridge to Nowhere

I don’t know, you wait nearly seven years for a bridge across the Kent and then two turn up at once! My blip of July 20th showed the new footbridge finally being craned into place. Move a little further downstream, and this particular edifice has been knocked up in just a few weeks. But it only reaches to the middle of the river and there wouldn’t really be anywhere for it to go if they did decide to extend it to the other bank. I suspect that it’s purpose is to enable the crane or digger to be positioned better for carrying out more of the flood defence works.
In which case, it does beg the question as to why we couldn’t have had something similar in place as a temporary footbridge after the old one was demolished following Storm Desmond.
A dodgy stomach has meant a pretty quiet day today. Abandoned going to the gym pretty early on, but I’ve also had to miss tonight’s play rehearsal as I just didn’t feel well enough. I’m hoping I feel better tomorrow as we’re supposed to be having a day out at Hoghton Tower near Preston, then it’s first Panto read through in the evening. I don’t want to miss either of those.

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