Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

The view from our kitchen window

Our apartment is "upsidedown" - bedrooms downstairs, lounge and kitchen diner upstairs.  The kitchen window looks pretty much due west.  This can be a problem in the late evening, exacerbated by non-functional blinds.  But this evening, it was spectacular.

This morning we went to look at the house we are supposed to be buying.  The southern boundary was ill-defined when we viewed.  Subsequently, the vendor had some levelling work done, and sent some photos - some orf which showed the boundary fence.  Then the boundary issue has reared its head, so the vendor has moved the fence.  It is now about 3,5m from the house at its closest, 2.5m closer than on the photos, and much closer than the stock fence that appeared to be the boundary when we viewed.  Today when viewing we were quite perturbed by how close the boundary now was to the sun room.  But when we stopped to consider, we had to admit that if the fence had been where it is now when we first viewed, we would probably have been mildly fed up at how close the boundary was, but would still have been happy to buy it.

Our problem with the change of boundary is partly emotional - we'd made plans in our heads for a nice hedge here - now there's not room.  And partly a feeling that the vendor has been deceptive, leaving a sour taste in our dealings.

So now we have to separate emotions from a rational response and decide what we say to our solicitor and to the vendor. .

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