
Well little miss Harp is back to normal today.  Her knee is still a little puffy but she doesn't have a limp and has been walking great.  We have had games of guess who, bubble play in the garden,  the jedi has been up to his usual antics of jumping.  Touch wood he has always landed on his feet and hasn't hurt himself.  

The boys had a good day at school.  They came home and went straight into the garden . Lincoln is showing the beginners way of doing a flip. Xander is being Xander and going full force.  

Mr R  should hopefully be home before the wildlings are in bed. They miss him when he's away. 

I've done a few jobs around the house and I'm waiting on a practical item being delivered from Amazon.  My under the cupboard kitchen roll holder came yesterday.  Yes I'm so sad but it frees up space on the counter. This practical item will do the same. We will see if Mr R notices. I'll give it a few days. Ha. 

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