Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

A colour version

Lots of meetings today, hospital ones, the complaints review panel and the divisional patient experience group.  A break this afternoon and then a research dissemination meeting and the last water colour session tonight.  I spend most of this watching rather than painting, and then paint after with the recording.  I will resume the flooring but I am waiting for companies to come back with quotes for LED lighting as the new Sky router has "broken" all the current ones (it's 5 GHz and they're all 2.4 GHZ).  I have the lighthouse almost to the point now where I'll submit it for my assignment.  I need to do a few cloud sketches and then off it will go!

Yesterday afternoon I chaired a project meeting which was very interesting to hear the research projects in progress.  We also found out that the evidence we submitted to the House of Lords call for evidence was included in the report, which apparently given our size relative to large organisations was quite an achievement.

Mr T was amazing this morning but got a bit muddled this afternoon.  He's just shouted me as he had an accident, which was the pressure being set to 25 whatsits when it should have been 12!

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