Cool For Cats

So, that’s the next four months of my life mapped out. Well, Wednesdays and Sundays anyway. First read through for Panto last night and it was a good turn out. Lots of new (young) faces as well as us old hands. Though it is a little sobering when you find out that half the people there weren’t even born when I did my first Panto!
In order that the Director could hear how all these new people sounded, I didn’t get to read the character I’m after. Instead, I read the part of a fit, finely chiselled young man who is a hit with the ladies. For some inexplicable reason, this caused great hilarity amongst those present. I even suggested that if I didn’t get the part I wanted, I could play this young man. A wig and a bit of make-up would be all that was needed. Again, this caused great hilarity and abuse. A simple “No” would have sufficed.
I will hopefully find out what part I’ve got in the next couple of days, and we start rehearsals proper on Sunday. As I am still also in rehearsal for the play In Lancaster, that I’m doing at the beginning of October, it’s going to be a busy few weeks. I may only be able to attend a few Panto rehearsals until after the play is finished.
But the script sounded good and I think it will go down well with our audiences, though there are a few scenes that may have to be cut or amended. One scene is the same, almost word for word, as a scene in last year’s Panto, so that’s definitely for the chop!
As usual, there is a lot of work ahead and it will no doubt not be all plain sailing. But at least we don’t have to deal with the spectre of another lockdown this year. It was halfway through rehearsals last year that Omicron appeared, and we genuinely feared that all our hard work would be in vain and we would be locked down when we should be performing. Thankfully it didn’t happen and we had a good run.
Should be even better this year - we’d actually sold quite a few seats even before last night’s read through.
Panto is back - Oh Yes It Is!!

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