A970; Cunningsburgh Sector

The cold winds continued to blow, but mostly sunny, with showers passing.  Fine calm night now.

Last early shift of the week, and started again on the check-in desk.  I soon moved on to oil and gas flights, then back to the check-in desk in the afternoon.  Popped by Laura for a cuppa on my way home.  Met up with Julie, Lorraine and Tommy for walkies with the dogs this evening.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa.  Quiet night by the fire. 

A quick stop travelling home on the A970, my commute to work road.  This section is the main road that runs right through the village.  With the oil boom from the 1970s, most of our old roads were upgraded, modernised straightened out during the 1980s and early 90s.  Our council does do some silly ammendments to them, but on a whole, they are fairly well maintained and looked after.  As you drive along the A970, you can spy various parts of the old road still in existence, mostly used by crofters.  Taken from the Clift hills, Cunningsburgh.  

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