Saturday: Exploring

We were awake again pretty early but, in contrast to yesterday, felt pretty refreshed.  We did a good amount of sorting and tidying and feel much more in control of things in the house now.

We chatted with family in the UK and then decided to take our new car for a spin.  We’ve bought my predecessor’s car and it’s a pretty hefty beast.  Rumour has it that the bus station is good for local flavour and we weren’t disappointed.  We had an excellent lunch of rice and beans at a small stall there.  We also took care of a few other things, such as getting some passport photos taken and buying a bigger litter tray for Barney.  My colleague had bought him one for his arrival but we’d neglected to mention that he is quite a large boy.  Poor thing is pooping in the equivalent of an egg-cup at the moment.

This is a fairly typical ‘downtown’ scene and is close to where we had lunch. Belmopan is very quiet and small but it has a charm that we think we’ll like.

I did a bit of work in the afternoon as I haven’t really had a chance to start the job yet.  We enjoyed a swim afterwards and then my colleague and her husband popped round as they’ve done us an excellent colour-coordinated map of all the things we need to know.  My colleague and I live on the same compound and we are literally a 30-second walk from each other’s houses……..

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