The Snooty Fox

As I've mentioned before, this year I have been having two (consecutive) days a week when I don't drink any alcohol. It shouldn't be a challenge, I know, but it is, which is a good reason in itself for doing it.

Admittedly, I only managed it one week in Greece, but otherwise I have stuck to it all year. This week, though, through a combination of an already busy social calendar and some rearranged appointments, it's a non-starter.

So, this evening started with rearranged drinks with my chum, Hugo, at the Royal Barn, where we were joined later on by Dan, partly because Hugo is his Godfather but also because he's just a very sociable fellow.

And when Hugo left, we decided the night was still young, so we popped around to Dan's pub of choice, The Snooty Fox.

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