Loe Bar

While we're in Cornwall, Ann's trying to take me on at least one big, long, walk every day to somewhere that I've either not been to before, or where I haven't been very often. This morning we went to Loe Bar. Loe Bar is the biggest fresh water lake in Cornwall. Ann can't remember if she's taken me there before she'll have to look back on her Blips but it's a fabulous place for a little collie pup to have a lovely walk. It's 6.5 miles all the way round and I was off my lead for the whole time. Yay! I ran, I chased squirrels, I splish, splash, sploshed and I met lots of other doggies to play with. I also met a lot of people who thought I was the prettiest little doggie ever. Obviously. The sun was shining and the sky was blue so we were both happy.

…...............And guess what?...................... even though I've been snoozing for most of the afternoon; Ann hasn't. Today must be the first day in more than two weeks, when she hasn't felt the need to lie down after one of my big, long walks. She's been very busy tidying up the front of our house (weeding the pots, etc) and updating our visitor information folder. She might even get round to starting her tax return tomorrow. Lol!

At about 4.30pm I went for a toilet break play in the field with my ball but after about 15 mins I was exhausted so we came back into the house and I'm lying guarding my ball on the sun terrace whilst dictating my Blip to Ann.

…....................And that's been our day. The sun is still shining brightly and there's still a tiny corner of our sun terrace where Ann is really tempted to sit and enjoy a glass of wine, but she's going out for a Thai meal later so probably best not to overindulge now?!!!

Oh and we don't have too much planned for the next 2-3 weeks (and we know there's a few Blipper's in Cornwall at the moment, or are due to come on holiday soon) so if anyone wants to meet up while we're here, just let us know. We can't do Fridays cos my human goes to Friday afternoon club to drink wine and we've got decorators coming in at the beginning October, though we're guessing that once we get them started, we can leave them 'home alone'.

Happy Wednesday evening peeps. xxx

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