Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Rapeseed Blossoms

While my street is lined with beautiful pink Cherry Blossom trees, the fields around my neighborhood are bursting with brilliant yellow Rapeseed blossoms. This was one of the primary crops my host family in Schelswig-Holstein grew, as well. Before moving to Germany as an exchange student from New York, I'd never heard of rapeseed - although I was familiar with the derivative, Canola.

Rapeseed is the world's third largest source of vegetable oil. But did you know that rapeseed is in the same family as turnips, cabbage, and mustard? Yeah, I didn't either :)

Both of my daughters are melting down again at the overwhelming load of school work. And I'm busy with a new relocation client. Fun times in my house. I'm looking forward to the weekend!

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