Bubble Tea?

A new experience for me today….we have a new Bubble TEA shop in Teddington ( in what was a very good dry cleaners shop) and although I have driven past often I have not been in. Today I was walking past and as it was deserted I decided to investigate. You can get so many different flavours of drinks, you can choose the sugar level…I think the Japanese like very sweet drinks…and you can have the ‘bubbles’  added in many flavours…these are balls of a soft ‘gum’. I decided to have a fairly ordinary iced coffee and they recommended I should have tapioca bubbles…which are black and you can see at the bottom of the drinks container. The straws are over 1cm in diameter so that you can suck up the ‘bubbles’. A whole new experience. It was OK but I’m not a convert and at £4.90 for one drink..only takeaway….I’m surprised they can make a profit as it’s aimed mainly at teenagers I think.

I also had a busy day getting a flu jab and a COVID booster then delivering things to a friend, getting petrol which thankfully is cheaper now and visiting an exhibition which I thought was recycled artwork but in fact was just some big Photographs of people with the things they could recycle. See extra for one of them. The person in the photo is Natalie Fee surrounded by many old hairdryers etc. She was surprised to discover the amount of pre ious metals in electrical items and is now passionate about encouraging others to recycle items. I was actually surprised when I scanned a QR code to see how many places apparently collect these things…all the local branches of Tesco and Boots among others….I have never noticed this except for battery recycling bins!

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