
Well, as luck would have it, I was right as rain, so I was. And perky enough to order up a beer with lunch along at the OCP which the SK’s pal kindly treated us to. They then headed off to the Filmhouse and I wandered round the community of Leith, like an amiable and harmless old buffer. And I was hailed by young Tom who I knew as a toddler and stood and talked for a long while about his life, and my son’s, and the parallels. 
Meanwhile over in Russia, Putin has called up 300,000 reservists as it’s not all been going his way, kicking off a number of protests. He’s a scumbag so he is. Let’s hope his coat peg is getting well shoogly. And top award for bravery to the punter in Khabarovsk who was detained for holding up. a sign that read: "Mobilise yourself, you lice-infested rat." 

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