A lorry load of beef.....

A busy one today
First job was to bring in a field of cows and take out a couple of store heifers. Shut them in the shed and ran the rest back to their field.
Next ,hitched up the trailer and headed down the road to haul 3 loads of Angus heifers home .
Had them all done by lunch time, was getting worried as everything had gone without a hitch !
Then after a quick lunch,headed next door to bring in some cows and calves to tag them .
Was just getting started when the phone went. The lorry was just leaving Lanark mart and would be in to collect this morning's heifers at 3.30 pm.
So once we'd finished tagging,it was a quick dash home to sort out their passports,sign and date them before the lorry arrived.
They loaded not too bad either. This decker didn't have ramps up to the upper decks,it was the new style that raises the decks from ground level horizontally. Don't suppose it was cheap,but a lot safer than chasing half a ton of beef up a steep slippery ramp.

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