Harps new shoes.
Every time I have a clear out of the wildlings clothes I hand them on to other people for their kids or grandkids . Now that Harper has a wee friend in the cul-de-sac who's older than her. Her mum handed in a bag of clothes for harp and a couple of pairs of shoes. I love her new boots and so does she. They're lelli kellis so quite expensive to buy.
I had a busy morning and before any of the wildlings left for school and nursery I had homework done with the boys, all the beds stripped and half changed , a dryer load ironed and sorted out a bag of Harps clothes to give away. I cleaned a pair of her sneakers up for one of my neighbours granddaughter. And as you guessed it, shaving foam works a treat.
I popped round to my neighbours Jane and Duncan with the bag of clothes for their granddaughter and Carson walked right past Jane and went looking for Duncan. He has a right wee bond with D and D is fantastic with him. One of their grandsons has autism so they totally get it and understand. Duncan played with Carson while I caught up with Jane. She had a shoulder operation last year ( a reverse shoulder replacement). And was letting me know that she needed help with absolutely everything. Her husband was amazing. I know for sure that Mr R won't help wash my hair etc. Like D did with Jane.
I finally fixed the bike trailer and cycled to collect Harp from nursery. I'm making a point of going on the bike the next few days as it will be my last for a while.
The boys had a good day at school. Xander had a fall so has came back with a bruised leg. But other than that they both got on well.
Everyone is playing in the garden. After dinner I only have to shower the Jedi as everyone else got one last night.
Granddad has not long came out of theatre so has to be at the hospital for another 4 hours or so, They're hoping to catch the late bus home . Nana is knackered. But hopefully this time the surgery has worked. Fingers crossed.
5 sleeps to go world of blip :-)
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