
By Houseonahill6

Lossiemouth East Beach Bridge

A slight pinkish colour to the sky at sunrise which we could see from our room. The Covesea lighthouse looked good with the colours behind it.
We had a really good breakfast starting with fresh fruit, strawberries, melon and grapes , followed by a cooked breakfast of sausage, eggs, bacon and tomatoes and good toast .
We drove down and parked near the new bridge which was opened in May this year. Very impressed , nice and wide and takes you right on to the fantastic Sandy beach the other side.
Had a great walk with just a few other people in sight. We watched dolphins and gannets heading east.
Next stop was Loch Spynie. There are no feeders down at the hide anymore which is a shame but there are some near the carpark but there were a few cars parked in front of them so difficult to see what was going on.
We did see the Marsh Harrier hunting over the rushes and lots of fungi along the track.
MacDonalds for lunch and shopping in Sainsbury’s , really noticing the increase in prices and the reduction in choice but we’ve got dinners for the next week so that’s good .
Mike gave blood in the evening and then we just relaxed and watched the TV :)

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