
Lovely sunny day.

Betsy had a late start today because of the year 11 leavers assembly. She took Al to school today. I wonder what they talked about in the way?

My friend Sue came over, still hobbling after her injury last week.

Had a lovely afternoon. Picked Al up, Betsy met us in the way home and we bought ice creams.

Betsy and I finished the book we are reading, Trash, which was just phenomenal, highly recommended. We started a new one, Maggot Moon.

Betsy made a sleeping bag for her bed. I taught her to put a zip in. I was impressed how well she did it, I only learned about ten years ago.

Later we had a barbecue. The children read us some of the stories they are always writing. Betsy's is a novel called Tracker, and is a chase-mystery story. Al's is called Being Dyslexic, and offers advice about exactly that.

Love sitting out in the garden with the children all evening, even when it gets freezing. Went in for out usual game of Friday Night Charades. Al was on fire!

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