Friday: Palms

We’re very taken with these fan-like palm trees that we have here.  We’ve never really seen anything like them before.  This one is in our garden.  I’d say it’s about 30 feet high.

This evening we went over to my colleague’s, henceforth known as K&T.  They’re keen poker players and were keen to teach us (don’t worry, for tiny stakes.  We’re not about to lose the house or car).  They’d also invited over another American couple and Peter, a long time resident here, but originally from Liverpool.  

It was an absolute hoot!  Aside from K&T, and Jason of the US couple,  none of us had a clue what we were doing.  It was such a laugh.  And, guess who wiped the floor clean with everyone and took home the pot? Booky!  I’ve won the equivalent of £10 (so worth about 3 cents with the current exchange rate).  What to do with my new found riches?!

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