A Homemade Flora Britannica

I didn't have the greatest of days today.
It started with another chilly morning run which was fine but the day went steadily downhill thereafter. I had to pick my dad up to take him for a blood test and my sister said she would walk out to my dad's village to meet up with us - a walk of about four miles. She'd got about halfway there when it started to pour down so she sent me a text message that she wanted picking up. By this stage I was waiting for my dad to come out of the doctor's after his appointment so I gave her directions to meet us there. She said she had come "the other way" (whatever that meant), that my directions were "no good" to her and that it was my fault she didn't know how to get there. Charming!
We did eventually agree to meet at my Dad's house but it was then decided that we should all go for lunch (not my idea!) - where the atmosphere was terrible. My dad was in one of his curmudgeonly and monosyllabic moods and apparently I was to blame for everything else! 
At least I managed to get a better shot for blip. This is an image of some examples of our local flora. I can't take credit for the composition as they were collected by my sister (who still isn't talking to me!).

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