By lizzie_birkett

The Muse

I’m enjoying this book I found on the Pub bookshelf.

Second Hand Book

I found a book on the pub swap shelf.
It’s a good book 
but when I started to read it I found
someone had circled words, 
and sentences in pencil, like -
‘Not all of us receive the ends we deserve’
and ‘macabre end’ and
‘kindred vulnerability’.
Now why would someone do that I wonder?
There were none circled for a few pages
and then,
‘cadences of her voice’
‘with a sexual sharpness that stung me’
‘a buoyant looking salad’
Was the person learning new words
or phrases like
‘skewered my darkest fear’
‘the tangential observations’ 
or was that person trying
to make something new from 
someone else’s words…
like I have now done?

My day:
Hung washing out.
Dental check up this morning - all OK.
Back home for a quick peanut butter butty.
Off to the bus for choir in Settle.
Back home to do Inktober Drawing - Bat. Didn’t feel inspired - I’m sure we had Bat in a previous year.
Washing dried outdoors - a lovely day.
Frank made roast veg and vegan sausages for tea - YUM!
Wrote poem.
Watched news - Aaaargh!
Now book and bedtime.

Goodnight Blip pals ;-) X

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