
Monday again - started with BP but no swim - home for shower and change and volunteering session ( changed from Tuesday as we are away). Only one student in as the other was off sick ( missed around four out of six weeks?). Home via the garden centre looking for pots for No.2 who is doing a ‘balcony’ makeover - I have been given a budget and doing the shopping/research. I’m happy as it gives me a project and enjoy looking round and helping. We have no current projects so keeps me busy.
(Btw these were ‘joke pots - not purchased!)

Home for a few hours with No1working from home - we chatted while she worked and I made compote. Still not feeling 100% and not fulfilled at work but financially trapped as salary is good? No2 and OH had played golf and both ‘played out of their skins’. Nice they have something they enjoy doing together. No.2 didn’t stay for dinner but rushed off for friends birthday meal.

Call from no.1after she had returned home, tearful and upset as she had minor scrape in the car - doesn’t sound like her fault but she was cross and upset and angry with herself. However nobody was hurt and hopefully as he didn’t leave his details ( uninsured driver?!) maybe nothing will come of it.

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