Happy Birthday to Me

... and Happy Anniversary to him!!

I woke up for the 1st time in our new home and had tea made for me in bed for the 1st time in what seems like years by MrW!! I had a great nights sleep. No squirrels scampering across the roof or deer barking!!

MrW then took me shopping and breakfast in Costa. We bought a new cushion from Next to match curtains I had already bought off Marketplace for the Cabin.

We then had to go and finish cleaning the cabin and collect all my reclaimed clay. Mr W had to do most of it because of my sore back.

Then back home again and I realised neither of us had the bag with the cushion in it!! I made a mad dash back to TKMaxx where I thought I must have left it when we where looking at door mats!!! Made it in the nick of time!! On the way I noticed a Heart Cloud. I have wanted to see one for ages. By the time I could safely take a picture of it - it had changed slightly!

More unpacking and sorting before we got ready to go out for our Anniversary. MrW booked The Alexander.... a posh Spa Hotel where we have stayed before. A lovely treat but I was knackered and just wanted to be home!!!

So that was my 50LaLaLaLa Birthday and 12th Anniversary done for another year!!!

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