River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: North Wales Wildlife Trust

It’s been another very windy day, no rain thought - apart from in the mountains when MrD went for a motorbike ride this afternoon!
I’ve been busy connecting a couple more DNA cousins to my family tree.
Went out a few times, just for the fresh air and change of scenery! But the wind is relentless and giving us both a headache :-((
I recently joined the North Wales Wildlife Trust, in the hope that someone is going to be able to protect our wild world from our government’s idiotic decisions - 


my membership pack arrived in the post this afternoon, Kevin was running late …
I put washing out but the high humidity of the air meant they didn’t dry well, but good enough to place on the clothes maid .
Temperature around 16°C for most of the day.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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