River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Season of Mists

Very unusual for us to have misty weather, and stranger still today that it’s blowing a gale and misty!! Also raining … :-((

Had a long shopping list and empty fridge, so off to Lidl where I got most of the things we needed before I ran out of steam, a colleague from many years ago used the phrase “strong weakness”, which felt apt today …

It was raining and windy when I was driving home, pulling off the road at Llanddyfnan - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2750090422071068158 - to take today’s Blip and was glad to get home and have some lunch :-)

Looked through old diaries this afternoon, my life has been so very interesting and exciting. I have had an assortment of supportive friends and role models who saw the potential in me when I was too quiet and lacking in confidence to imagine some of the amazing jobs I’ve had and the skills I’ve picked up and passed on to students and teachers … I left school without A levels, spent 4 years at college and left with nothing. Graduated when I was 40, then picked up another degree and 2 Masters degrees before I was 50 … apologies for this outpouring but sometimes I need to remind myself … :-)

Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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