Family Dog

By Family_Dog

who'da thunk it?!

When I started Blip I thought it would maybe end up like my pregnancy journal - all neat and tidy at the beginning, with meticulously kept dates and information, stories and tit-bits for my unborn child to pour over and gasp in wonder at in the future (though why anybody would want to know their mother puked on 15 August or fancied a bag of salt & vinegar crisps on 28 September I have no idea), to then be completely ignored come the second trimester and half the pages ripped out to use as shopping lists by the time the baby's 8 month's old.

Unlike my pregnancy journal (ah, the things we do with our first eh?!) I have kept this here little thingy up and am delighted with that fact. I wouldn't say my photography skills have improved much, in fact my skills at remembering to take my camera out with me have barely improved but that's not the point. I love it and I love that people take a bit of time for a wee look and I love the feeling when someone says 'I saw your blip yesterday' and I had no idea they read it. It's nice.

Anyway. I am going to set myself a challenge....I am going to blip every single day for the next 100 days! Although I am going away a few days hither and thither so they might not always land on the exact day but give or take those days - every single day for 100 days it will be done.


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