
The field where I walk Oscar has a wooden shelter and lots of blackboards where the owner notes information for the dog walkers and lists of the trees she has planted, sightings of animals and birds, and fungi! She had written about the Parasol mushrooms behind the nettle patch and I assumed they were similar to the one I'd blipped. Imagine my surprise when I found these beauties! I've never seen mushrooms so big! You can tell from the beech nut resting on the first mushroom just how big they are! Anyone know why they are quite so big?!
Apart from buying a loaf of bread at the garage, booking my car in for its MOT and service, dropping 2 cake tins round to Nellie, and putting a new watchstrap on my dads watch ( very fiddly!)  I didn't do much today. Had a restless  nights sleep  so felt a bit headachy all day. Hopefully I will sleep right through tonight!

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