Before da Turbines

A beautiful sunny morning, and into the early afternoon.  Clouded over, and showers this evening.  Winds picking up again.

Another day off, and up early.  Met friend Julie for walkies after breakfast, and popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Got two loads of washing out, and some house chores done before lunch.  More walkies in the afternoon.  Working in the shop this evening, and a steady night of customers.  Might try a pint after work, but not a late night.  

Unfortunately it clouded over while out for a walk this afternoon, and missed the best light of the day.  Headed for a walk around d Wethersta, with poor lighting, I didn't venture far from the road.  As I turned around to head back, I got a great view looking south.  Sadly this view will be filled with turbines soon, covering the entire skyline.  You can spot the diggers up on the hills making the 66 miles of new roads, quarries and general destruction.  Looking south the Voe, from Wethersta, Brae. 

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