Saturday: Polite in Rude

It was a lovely day today so we decided to just head out for an aimless drive around the hills of Samobor.  Sitting at traffic lights in Samobor, which is about 45 minutes outside of Zagreb, imagine my surprise when I made eye contact with, and then waved to, a colleague of mine who was sitting in a cafe......even odder was the fact that we had just been talking about him - and even odder than that was the fact that he had had his back to us and just happened to turn around as I was staring at the back of his head.....

So, after Samobor, we drove through Rude, which is misnamed as the people there were very polite.  We stopped for lunch where the girl who worked there spent ages marking places that we should visit on our map - she has set us up for the next few trips.

It was another struggle to know what to upload today - I took some detailed shots of dilapidated buildings which I quite liked (old doors, windows etc) but I wanted to give you sense of the lovely scenery that is around every corner so you have this instead.

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