Jedi the model

My super cute Jedi is feeling better today.  He still sounds hoarse but has been back to most of his usual self. 

He's playing with the stress balls / squeeze balls I made. They will be good for my tendons recovery.  I've added a photo of me because I managed a shower and washed my hair. The pain has been so much better today, night time is worse but today I've only had 3 painkillers tablets and not 6 and none of  my morphine medicine . I did have to have that through the night but none today. So it's a great day and will continue to get better.  I can start my physio exercises on Monday from the sheet they gave me. Just simple hand exercises in the sling to start with.  I actually tried to straighten  my arm when I went for a shower ( bad woman ) and it won't straighten yet, I'm assuming that's because my tendons are now in my arm pit. 

Harpers nursery teacher came round this morning to fill out forms for Carson starting nursery full time in January.  He will go for little settling in hours after the school holidays and then that way it will be easier for him when the time comes, and it will be good for the staff to see how much support he will need at nursery.  If that's a one to one or one to two. 

All the wildlings have had a good day. Its freezing outside but two of them are playing in the garden.  I'll give them 10 more minutes before I bring them in. 

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