A blue sky day

A hectic day. R came over this morning after dropping the boys at the vets. They were due to have their bits snipped. She had a meeting booked for 9am and wasn't going to make it home in time to log on, so came to us. to do it. 

She was amazed to find me up, washed and dressed and on my 3rd coffee when she arrived. I had slept badly and got up at 7am, unheard of for me.

It was one of those days when you just want to crack on and get as much done as possible. I've got a scan appointment tomorrow and the first time I had one I expected to be home in a couple of hours, but it was 12 days. So washing and ironing is up to date, all of the jobs are done (as far as required) and everything is tidy. If I'm home in a couple of hours I will have plenty of time to carry on with my sewing!! Without a guilty conscience.

The Red Arrows changed bases recently, but are still practicing in the old Scampton airspace. We don't see them as much, as they used to pass quite low over the back garden on their circuits. With today's beautiful blue sky as a background I managed to get a few shot with the Nikon, but I'm way out of practice and these are a bit rubbish. Still what I saw was great.

A message from R to say that the boys are home and are playing about as though nothing had happened.

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