Wild Swimming

Two performances today, followed by the get out and - hopefully - an after show party. All of which means that there is no time to go out taking photos, so I am cheating by using this one I took the other day down at Fell Foot. I was intrigued by the building and the reflections, and only realised I’d caught a wild swimmer going past when I looked at the photo more closely! The presence of the “support” canoe might indicate that this has been a long swim - possibly even the full 10 mile length of Windermere.
Last nights performance was enlivened by me accidentally knocking a full decanter of “whisky” on to the floor. Good news - it didn’t shatter. Bad news - the stopper came out and we watched in horror as liquid spilled out across the stage. I made up a lame ad-lib to cover the moment and the stage crew dashed on at the end of the scene armed with swathes of blue roll.
Fortunately the rest of the play went off without further incident, but Sod’s law dictated that it was the night my friend - and director of the BATS Panto - came to see it. He knows me far too well, instantly spotted the unplanned moment, and texted me accordingly to “compliment” me on the realism of the “decanter on the floor effect”.
Oh well, two more goes to get it right today!

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