From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

At the end of the day...

I've eaten too much today and my stomach is going round and round like a washing machine at the moment. I blame the scrambled eggs I had for breakfast with the remains of a red onion. Or maybe it was all that Guinness last night, chicken tikka masala with chips and Abbot Ale at the Dog and Doublet today?

It was a lovely day. The sunshine brought everyone out to the canal side pub where this picture was taken. Most people were wearing their shorts! I wasn't! Black jeans for me as usual.

I remember buying two pairs of shorts from M&S about ten years ago and John Hall (now deceased although I didn't kill him) laughed at my carrier bag when he heard of my purchase and remarked 'Bloody hell! You'll look like a two pin plug!' He was right too, rotten sod! Anyway, I never wore them and it rained all summer anyway.

So now you know. I don't wear shorts to preserve the lovely British climate we have. I don't sing either...

Track? Let's have a bit of Paul Weller - Above the Clouds

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