Timing is Everythig

At 11am I phoned the Audiology Department in the nearby Lauriston Building, part of Lothian Health Services to check that I was on the waiting list for a 3 year hearing reassessment. The pleasant lady at the other  end of the phone agreed I was but added that there was currently a 6 month waiting list. However she noted that I lived 5 minutes away and wondered if I would be happy to come at short notice if there was a cancellation. What’s not to like about that?

At 12: 50pm she phoned back to say there was a cancellation at 1:30pm, would I like it? Indeed I would!  I was taken on time and emerged 15minutes later. I have to hope that a reassessment doesn’t have to take as long as the original test but it did seem extremely quick. What isn’t quick is having a face to face appointment to get the hearing aids- that will take 10 weeks. It’s probably not surprising that many people splash the cash and go private.

I had a quick dash down to the cafe at the National Art Gallery for 2pm to meet the friends I made at Maggies. I can report I had no trouble hearing what was said without any hearing aids. Neither did I have any trouble conversing with my TGIF buddies when I got back home. Sometimes the word ‘pardon?’ or more rudely ‘what?’ works wonders!

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