Putting Colour into the Day

My Virginia Creeper is one of the few bright things on this most dismal of weather days. A good going storm however ferocious at least provides excitement but a dank, dark day of rain has nothing going for it and is only depressing. 
However grim I find the day, I can’t compare it with  what our beleaguered, humiliated and defeated Prime Minister must be feeling as she steps away from office and the shambles she has left behind.

My morning was cheered up by spending time with two friends in the warmth of the local café. This meeting of friends in warm hostelries outside our homes will no doubt become the norm as we decide not to turn the central heating on unless desperate.

Nothing will induce me to put a foot outside the door again for the rest of the day. Let it rain, the house may not be warm, but at least it’s dry.

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