Perils on the River

Since I had chairs to set up at church...and had to run the sound system...I drove my truck to church. After our services...I dropped my truck off next to the river in a neighboring city.

The plan was for Lisa to drop me off in our downtown, and for me to kayak to my truck.

It started off with Marilyn, the duck, posing for me. Who knew that was to be the highlight?

I went under 7 bridges. 4 of them were no problem, but the other 3 I had to lay flat on my back in my boat, and have the current take me through. I had visions of medieval times, and of guillotines. Scary.

But, that was just the start of the "fun." Downed trees were everywhere. 6 times I had to get out of my kayak, and portage my boat. 4 times I had to treat the trees like the bridges...sulking down like a scorned puppy. Twice I tried to run over a log, and got hung up. A tree even grabbed my favorite hat (which was clipped to my shirt), and dangled it precariously over the water. I doubled back, and fetched it.

Finally, at the 6th portage...I wished I had been wearing a white shirt...because I would have waved it in the air. The problems with the portages? Every time I got out, I stepped in muck up to my shins. Every time I got back in, I dragged water and trash with me. And...every time I hit the muddy bank...I wondered if a crazed beaver was waiting to attack.

I stumbled out at a local church, and called Lisa to pick me up...not even doing half the trip. I must have looked defeated. "Tim...are you OK?"

I told her that I felt like I had been beaten up. Beaten up by 3-4 river hooligans, and their trained beaver Bucky.

My back hurts, and I have cuts on my foot and face. A shower didn't help.

Now...we're off to retrieve my truck. Can't wait for the next adventure on the morrow. HA!

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