Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2859. Coffee Morning!

This is me with my dear friend doing our weekly coffee (and often second breakfast) catch-up.  Our weekly Animal Crossing catch-up is soon to be replaced by a “SteamDeck” weekly catch-up (once mine eventually arrives!).  It’s wonderful that we’ve barely missed a week since March 2020, when the new Animal Crossing game was released a week before the first lock down (and before we had covid for the first time).  I actually had to get my Animal Crossing Switch replaced this year after it failed, thank goodness I took an extended warranty.

My friend also came with me to look at some dungarees that I have been hanging my nose over in White Stuff.  I decided that if I lost more weight this week, I would go in and try them on in a size 12, and if they fitted me, they were coming home with me!

Well, they fitted me so I now have a lovely pair of dungarees!

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