Into the rainforest

Our guide Danson offered an early morning bird spotting walk so he and I met up with another guide and 3 tourists from Saga at 5:45am just as it was getting light:) we soon split off and wandered in the paths around the lodges. Kinabalu NP has 224 bird species, of which we saw about 15, too numerous to mention. At 7:30 we went back to the restaurant for breakfast with Rory before the three of us headed out again to the Kinabalu Park botanic garden. Again Danson’s knowledge and expertise let alone his amazing eyesight were impressive. He pointed out lots of different tree and orchid species, answered all our questions and then was able to find tiny insects and frogs in a glance.
Next we followed a trail into the lowlands of the mountain slope looking for more birds and saw a few more species, although he was disappointed we could hear but not see a crimson headed partridge or a Whiteheads Trogon. Never mind…
Then back to the restaurant for lunch before coming back down to KK, cocktails and dinner await. An early flight to Sandakan in the morning!

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