Tree Babies

How many can you see?

Two walks today - one in the morning to retrieve SWMBO's yoghurt that I left in Bags' fridge yesterday and the other in the afternoon (after the rain had stopped).

SWMBO put a pedometer on my phone before we went out for some reason. The reason she gave was to see if hers came back with the same number of steps. Why? - I have no idea.
Mine came back with 0 .... Nil... Zip....Not One!
She changed it to the one she uses before we went out again.

I refer you to the result of the first one..............
I said it was because I floated rather than stepped.
She didn't believe me for some reason.
I think she just set it wrongly (but I am not going to do anything about it).

It wasn't a deliberate plan of action when we were out, but my pictures all seem to be tree themed. 
Some were 'straight' shots, some were 'related' and some were 'arty'.
There are 7 Here if you want to work out which is which.

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