
is the spice of life.

My week is all mixed up, what with going away and no work and out to lunch and what have you. So today was the weekly shop and I was fasting as well, which is an interesting combination..

Since it's almost Halloween, there are 100s of pumpkins in the shops, mostly those big football-sized ones which get carved and wasted. I prefer these wee squashes of different colours and sizes, which are usually more tasty. D had requested Greek Chickpea stew and Apple Crumble for tea and we ate early as we were going out.

The event in question was a WORLD PREMIERE of "Solway to Svalbard", a multimedia show about the barnacle geese. Extra interesting because I have  just finished reading a book about geese on the Solway.  Thousands of the geese overwinter here and it was wonderful to see and hear about their breeding grounds on Svalbard, accompanied by beautiful music composed by Stuart McPherson.

Long ago, when I was a student, I applied to go and count reindeer on Svalbard, but didn't get a place. I wonder how different my life might have been if I had done?

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