Building Site

Had a walk up to the new housing development.Nearly 1000 houses will be built on 42 acres of grade one land.At one time I would have thought this detrimental to the environment but not anymore.When the development is complete there will be a greater diversity of plant and animal life than when it was being farmed with modern methods and chemicals.

The main picture I took on my walk home just as the sun was going down.Called on my parents just as Dad was putting their tea on.Dad is doing all the cooking now.

Had a long conversation with Peter who has had to face up to never being able to drive again at the age of 60.He got rid of both of his cars this week but I don't think he can face getting rid of his three motorcycles just yet.The next course of chemo starts tomorrow.I don't know how he does it.

I wonder how many that look at the nonsense I post on here take the time to have a look at the wonderful links.
This is Goodbye Beautiful Human

A very mild day and an occasional shower.

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