In the Hermitage again

Ann is working 1-5pm for most of this week. Now that the clocks have changed, it's dark before 5pm so she left a light on for me before she went to work.

To be honest, I actually quite like it when she works 1-5pm because it means that I get a little walk first thing, and then, when we've had our breakfast, and caught up on a lot of crap TV we go out for a big, long walk.

Today we did the 'Hermitage Circuit' which takes about an hour and a half.

Now that all the leaves are falling off the trees, I'm almost like a camouflaged little collie pup. It was really mild this morning so all the squirrels were out playing. OMG?! You have no idea how many squirrels I had to chase today but every time I went near one, those pesky little creatures decided to climb up a tree. Boooooohoooo.

When Ann came home just after 5pm, I got another little walk on my lead, and then I got a carrot and then I got my dinner. And now I'm back in snooze mode.

'Corrie' & 'EastEnders' to watch now.......................

…....................Guess I'll just continue snoozing then. Lol!!!

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