
This was the sight that greeted us on looking out of the window this morning (alerted by various beepings, revvings and hootings). An articulated low loader totally unable to get out of the Carpet Lane square - how it had managed to get this far is a mystery. As always on these occasions, men (some in hi-viz) appeared to do mansplaining to the driver, but on this occasion he had to wait for the police to turn up and somehow shift those parked cars on the left of Seaport St. See extras for full length view when he was backing up and then the final successful exit. Looking at the times on my first and last photos the whole mullarkey took 90 minutes.

Blip tells me I've been blipping for 13 (in)glorious years (many thanks to all concerned, particularly Joe for starting it all). Not a very celebratory blip, but it somehow typifies life in downtown Leith over the last couple of years.

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