Tired Of Waiting For You

Today has been all about waiting. Mainly for technology. Conscious I’m going to be changing my phone soon, I thought I’d do a back up to iTunes just in case the data doesn’t automatically transfer when I pick up the new one. But when I turned on the PC, I got the message that a new version of iTunes was available. So I had to wait while that updated. When I was finally able to plug in my phone, I immediately got a message that I needed to update to IOS 16 before I could do the backup. The download for that seemed to be taking ages so I went to watch a tv programme on catch up.
Except…when I turned on the telly, I got a message to say that no channels could be found. No idea why this had happened, but I had to do a complete re-install to get it up and running again! Which meant that I also had to re-enter all the passwords for the catch up channels so I could finally watch the programme I had been looking for!
Needless to say, the phone had definitely had time to update and be backed up by the time I went back to the computer. Only to find that while it was backing up I’d received an email saying my new phone was ready for collection. Hurrah, only a two day wait rather than the promised two weeks. Definitely a good job I decided to do the backup of the old phone!
However, one of the longer waits I’ve had recently comes to and end tonight. Just over two years since I should have seen them, I’m finally off to see Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel at the Lancaster Grand.
The old adage is obviously true - everything comes to he who waits.

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