Finishing Touches

After giving the tiles I laid on Tuesday plenty of time for the adhesive to set, I went back today to do the grouting. This is always my favourite part of tiling as it is such a transformation from bare tiles with a myriad of spacers, to the crisply delineated final product. I’ve left the final polishing for my friend to do after the carpets are fitted, though it’s still looking pretty good just with a wipe over from a damp sponge. I’m pleased with the end result, and the added bonus today was that no part of my car or body suffered any injury!
I reluctantly went to the gym this morning - I really didn’t fancy doing a workout - leaving just as the Bank of England announced its latest hike in Base Rate. Their intention is to reduce inflation by stopping spending and discouraging borrowing. No problem in this house, as there will be sod all left for presents and feasting after making December’s mortgage payment. The only slight upside I can take from it all is that the rise is not as big as predicted and that the U.K. is not alone in suffering, as it seems many countries in the world are beset with the same problems.
Not that that’s much of a comfort though, when you’re on a fixed income, burning through savings at a great rate of knots and fearful that prices (and interest rates) still have a way to rise before things are brought under control.

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